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Rash Page 9
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Page 9
Hammer accepted the ball wordlessly, staring first at Rhino, then at the three incapacitated Goldshirts. The first one was still unconscious, Gorp was holding his shoulder, moaning piteously, and Rush was simply sitting on the turf staring at Rhino with a mixture of bewilderment and awe.
Rhino lumbered over to the building and sat down beside me.
“You think I made the team?” he asked.
“Made it? I think you destroyed it,” I said.
That night neither Maddy nor Karlohs made an appearance in my dreams. Instead I was being chased by Goldshirts, and I fell and they were on me, jumping up and down on my back. I woke up with a shout. My mattress was alive, pounding into my spine.
“Okay, okay!” I said, grabbing the head rail to keep myself from flying off. “I’m awake already!”
The kicking stopped.
“You were making weird noises again,” Rhino said.
I sat up. My back felt as if it had been stomped by a dozen Goldshirts. “I was having a nightmare.”
“Yeah, I figured that out all by myself.”
“Next time how about you don’t kick so hard.”
“Sorry. You dreaming about your old girlfriend again?”
“I dreamed I was being chased by Goldshirts.”
Neither of us said anything for a few seconds, then Rhino spoke. “Hey, Bo? You think any of those guys I hit got hurt bad?”
“I think you broke Gorp’s collarbone.”
“I didn’t mean to.”
I laughed.
“What’s so funny?” he asked.
“You are. You went through those guys like a locomotive.”
“They were in my way. I didn’t mean to hurt them.”
“You’re kidding me, right?”
“I don’t want anybody to be scared of me.”
“But you want to be a Goldshirt, right?”
He thought about that, then said, “I wouldn’t mind eating Frazzies for a change.”
The next morning, two hours into our shift, a blueshirt pulled Rhino and me off the production line.
“Where are we going?” I asked.
“You’ll see,” said the blueshirt. He led us out of the production area, past the mess hall, down a dim corridor, and through a set of double doors to a locker room. There were no actual lockers—just a row of benches, places to hang clothing, and a shower room—but I could tell it was a locker room from the distinctive aroma of sweat and toe jam.
The blueshirt led us to a steel door.
“Go on out,” he said. “They’re waiting for you.”
They were waiting? I didn’t like the sound of that. Rhino and I just stood there.
“Get a move on!” The blueshirt gave Rhino a shove with his baton. The stick sunk several inches into Rhino’s side but failed to move him. Rhino turned his head and gave him a look. The blueshirt quickly withdrew his baton and took a few steps back.
Rhino shrugged and pushed open the door. A flood of sunlight blinded us. I followed him out, shading my eyes. The door slammed shut behind us. We were outside on the field, surrounded by a ring of fire. I blinked, and my eyes adjusted. It wasn’t a ring of fire, but it might as well have been—we were surrounded by Goldshirts.
All of them. I looked back at the door, and somehow I knew it would not open. Rhino let out a soft grunt, spread his tree-trunk legs, and tucked his head turtlelike between his massive shoulders. I scanned the circle of grinning faces, looking for a way out. Gorp, wearing a sling, stood front and center. Fragger was right next to him, tossing a football from one hand to the other.
I braced myself for the beating of a lifetime.
Instead they all smiled and began to clap.
We’d made the team.
Being a Goldshirt meant better food, extra sleep, and plenty of respect from the paperpants, which was what we called the other inmates. I didn’t have to worry about getting beat up or forked by Fragger, and, of course, I got to wear the gold T-shirt and denims. I put mine on the first day. Rhino’s had to be ordered special, on account of his enormity.
Being a Goldshirt wasn’t all Frazzies and sack time. We had to work just like everybody else. They pulled me and Rhino off our pepperoni team and sent us to shipping and receiving, which was where all the other Goldshirts worked. For eight hours a day we boxed and crated frozen pizzas, unloaded supply trucks, and performed various other tasks that required lifting, pushing, pulling, and pounding.
It was part of our training.
After a short Frazzie and Pepsi break we had another four hours of training. That meant weight lifting, calisthenics, drills, classroom time, and scrimmages. The Goldshirts, it seemed, were all about football. We were Hammer’s boys, and there was nothing Hammer liked better than to watch a good rough-and-tumble game of tackle football.
The whole idea of actually playing a contact sport like football probably sounds pretty crazy. Any sport in which players smash into one another while running at full speed has got to be insane. Believe me, it is—and doing it without pads, helmets, braces, masks, or gloves is flatout psychotic. We averaged about three injuries a week. During my first two weeks as a Goldshirt we had a concussion, two broken bones, a shoulder separation, two dislocated fingers, and a broken nose. Lesser sprains, bruises, and cuts were counted in the dozens.
The first few times I hit the field I was terrified. Hammer was determined to teach me to catch. Fragger kept passing the ball to me. The idea was to catch it and run it down to the end of the field. Problem was, there was this wall of Goldshirts charging me. I kept dropping the ball. Didn’t matter. They tackled me anyway.
I went to bed every night exhausted, bruised, and aching, and I woke up feeling worse. But I learned. I learned to find that ball in the sky, and forget about the rest of the world for that one crucial second. Just me and the ball. I learned to avoid getting hit so often and so hard. I even got used to the idea of getting hurt. And here’s the strangest part of all: Every day we beat the crap out of one another, but we still became good friends. We were all on the same team. We learned to trust one another. Even Fragger turned out to be an okay guy—if you were a Goldshirt.
Naturally we had our disagreements. Like the time I got into it with Bullet.
Hammer had divided us into sides. I was offense. We were running a trick play called the “flea-flicker.” Fragger, the quarterback, handed the ball off to me, I ran it toward the line of scrimmage, then stopped and tossed the ball back to Fragger, and he passed it downfield to the wide-open Sam Rogers.
The play worked perfectly, but I didn’t get to see Rogers make the touchdown because one full second after I’d tossed the ball back to Fragger, Bullet slammed into me, hard.
It was a wrongful hit. He knew it and I knew it, even as I was flat on my back gasping for air. Bullet, standing over me, offered a hand.
“Sorry, man,” he said. “Thought you had the ball.”
I managed to get a lungful of air and stood up without his help. “That’s okay,” I said. Then I let him have it—a perfect shot to the jaw. I heard his teeth clack together; he staggered back.
“Sorry, man,” I said. “I thought you had the ball.” Then I hit him again, a hard right to his gut.
After that, things didn’t go so good. Bullet was no Karlohs Mink. He came back at me with a flurry of blows to my face, chest, shoulders, and neck. I fought back—at least I think I did—but after those first two blows I didn’t do much damage. If they hadn’t pulled us apart, I think he would’ve killed me.
The funny thing was, until that moment, Bullet and I had gotten along just fine. I wondered what had gotten into him.
Hammer sidelined us for the rest of the practice.
“What did you do that for?” I said to Bullet.
“Do what?”
“No talking!” Hammer yelled at us.
An hour later, in the locker room, a blueshirt showed up and told Bullet and me to follow him. Bullet gave me an accusing look,
as if whatever was about to happen were all my fault. I gave him the same look back.
The guard led us through Building A and Building B to Building C.
“Where are we going?” I asked. I’d never been to that part of the complex.
No reply. We stopped before an elevator at the northwest corner of the building. The blueshirt used his palm print to open the door.
“Go on, boys,” he said. “He’s waiting for you.”
We stepped inside. I expected the blueshirt to follow, but the doors closed behind us and the floor of the elevator pressed up against the bottoms of my feet.
“This is all your fault,” said Bullet.
“My fault?” I felt my face getting hot. “You tackled me!”
“What did you expect? I thought you had the ball.”
“Yeah, right.” I took a breath. I didn’t want to get in another fight. But there was no way he’d thought I had the ball. “You know where we’re going?”
“You stupid or what? Where do you think?”
I felt myself coming to a boil.
“You calling me stupid? Now that’s funny.”
“Watch it, newbie.”
Bullet was giving me a dark look that should have scared me, but I was losing it all over again; instead of backing off I gave him a shove, just a little one.
“Watch it yourself,” I said.
When the elevator doors opened a few seconds later, Bullet and I came tumbling out, a ball of pounding fists and kicking feet. We crashed into two tree trunks that turned out to be a pair of legs belonging to Hammer. He reached down with one hand, grabbed me by the shirt, jerked me up off the floor, and slammed me against the wall.
I wasn’t alone. With his other hand he had Bullet. We were both pinned to the wall, Hammer’s enormous hands twisted into the collars of our gold T-shirts. My feet were off the floor, my windpipe was collapsing, and all I could see was Hammer’s red face. White lips. Snake dead eyes like polished blue stones. I struggled to pull air past my compressed trachea. I could hear Bullet’s wheezy squeaking in my left ear, but the fact that we were both in the same predicament did not make it any easier. Large fuzzy black spots crowded the edges of my vision.
“You done?” Hammer asked.
I think I nodded.
He dropped us. It was only about six inches to the floor, but my legs weren’t ready for it; I staggered and fell to my knees. Bullet, clutching his throat, managed to remain upright. Hammer turned his back and walked across the room and took a seat behind a wide steel desk. I got slowly to my feet. For the first time I was able to look around.
We were in a large room about thirty by twenty feet. The wall to my left was a bank of tall windows looking out over miles of dreary tundra. You could see the curve of the earth on the horizon. The opposite wall, the one behind Hammer, held several shelves laden with books, trophies, and football memorabilia. Between the shelves were framed photos, magazine covers, plaques, posters, and yellowing paper news clippings.
I looked at Bullet, then back at Hammer.
“Come over here,” he said.
We approached his desk. Over Hammer’s right shoulder was a large poster showing a football player in a gold helmet and jersey catching a high pass as he leapt over a cluster of purple-clad footballers. The jersey number was 99. Above Hammer’s left shoulder, mounted beneath a pane of glass, was a torn and stained gold jersey bearing the same number.
Hammer said, “Before I say what I’m about to say, there are four things I want you to understand. Number one, when I tell you I’m going to do something, I do it. Two, I never make a mistake. Three, I never break a promise, and four, I never change my mind. Do you understand?”
We nodded.
“Good. There will be no more fighting. You will save your aggressive impulses for the game. Do you understand?”
I opened my mouth to object, but Hammer cut me off. “Say, ‘Yes, sir.’”
“Yes, sir.”
“I don’t care who starts it, or what excuses you might have. If you two start up again, you will both be busted back to paperpants. You will eat nothing but cheese pizza for the rest of your sentences. Period. There will be no appeal, there will be no exceptions. You will control yourselves. Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir,” we both said.
“Good. Now get the hell out of my office.”
In the elevator on the way down Bullet said, “You think there’s a hidden camera in here?”
I looked around. “No. Why?”
He punched me in the shoulder.
A familiar wave of anger rolled over me. Bullet was looking at me with drooping eyelids and a short straight mouth, relaxed and neutral, as if to say, Do what you want. Fight me or let it slide, I really don’t care. It’s up to you.
I clenched my right fist and felt the pressure inside me build, but somehow I held it in check.
The elevator doors hissed open. Two blueshirts were waiting to escort us back to our cells.
“I really did think you had the ball,” Bullet said.
Rhino thought I was nuts. “It’s part of the game,” he said from the bottom bunk. “He thought you had the ball. And even if he didn’t, what’s the big deal? Tackled is tackled. Doesn’t matter if you have the ball. You got to learn to get out of the way.”
“Maybe. Only next time somebody hits me for no reason, I got a feeling I’m gonna be eating a lot of pizza.”
“Why?” asked Rhino.
“History,” I said, staring up at the white ceiling. “Lack of self-control. It’s a family trait.”
Something hit me hard in the ass, knocking me about a foot off my mattress.
“Hey!” I looked over the edge of the mattress, rubbing my butt. “What was that for?”
Rhino kicked the bottom of my mattress again, this time knocking me right off my bunk. I landed on my hands and knees on the concrete floor.
“You okay?” he asked.
I stood up. Other than excruciating pain in one buttock and both kneecaps, I seemed to be okay.
“What are you gonna do now?” Rhino asked.
I was more shocked than I was angry. But I was getting there. I could feel my neck getting hot.
“Are you gonna hit me?” Rhino asked again.
I looked at his bland, fat, expressionless face and his enormous, powerful body. I looked around the cell. I could hit him, but then what? No place to run. Something inside me cooled and hardened and crumbled.
“No,” I said.
“Why not?”
“Because you’d kill me.”
“See? If you need it, you got it.”
“Got what?”
Lugger fired the ball backward between his legs to Fragger, then drove forward to block Rhino. As usual, Rhino thrust him aside effortlessly. Fragger backpedaled, looking for an open receiver as the unstoppable Rhino advanced upon him.
I had slipped past Rogers and Pineapple. Free and clear, I ran straight downfield along the fence. Fragger, half a second from being obliterated by Rhino, sent the ball sailing in a clean, high arc. It was long. I put on a burst of speed and stretched my arms out, willing them to grow longer. The ball touched my fingertips and, like magic, I had it.
There is nothing quite like the feeling of making a great catch.
There is also nothing like getting obliterated by a 240-pound Goldshirt named Bullet. He came out of nowhere, driving me into the chain-link. The ball, so gloriously caught a tenth of a second earlier, popped straight up out of my hands.
There was a moment of stillness, during which I stared up at the sky and tried to figure out whether I had been fatally bonked.
Bullet’s voice reached me. “You okay?”
“I think so.” I sat up. “Good hit.”
“NAILS!” Hammer was advancing on us, red-faced and pop-eyed. “What in the HELL do you think you’re doing?”
I stood, still feeling a little woozy. I was sure
that my left side would have a chain-link bruise pattern on it.
“Sorry, sir,” I said. The rest of the Goldshirts came running up.
“What do you call THAT!” Hammer pointed.
At first I didn’t see what he was pointing at. Something on the other side of the fence? Then I spotted it. The football had popped straight up out of my hands and over the fence.
“Uh-oh,” said Bullet. “We got us a bear ball.”
Hammer jabbed his forefinger into my chest. “What do you do when you catch a ball?”
“I, ah, I hang on to it?”
“You control the ball, nail. Now go get it.”
“Okay, okay.” I grabbed the cold metal chain-link and began to climb, but stopped when I noticed something else outside the fence. About 100 yards away a polar bear was approaching along the fence line.
“You better get moving, nail,” Hammer said. He was completely serious.
“But . . . there’s a bear out there!”
“Dammit, nail, you get your ass over that fence and throw that ball back over here or you’ll spend the next month cleaning toilets with your tongue.”
I looked at the bear. It was moving faster, heading straight for the ball.
“Go!” Hammer bellowed.
I went. I was up and over in seconds. The football had bounced about twenty feet away from the fence. The bear saw me and broke into a run. I ran out and grabbed the ball. The bear had covered half the distance between us and was picking up speed. I hurled the ball back over the fence and then stood there like an idiot for two seconds. I was thinking that once I got rid of the ball, the bear would lose interest in me.
I was wrong. This bear was no football player. It was a hungry carnivore. It didn’t want the ball. It wanted me.
I figured that I had time to make it to the fence before the bear got to me, but not enough time to make it up and over the top. That bear would peel me off the chain-link like a pepperoni off a pizza. My next idea was to just run like hell. I took off along that fence line like I had a bear on my ass, which, of course, I did. I ran flat out for maybe half the length of the field. I ran faster than I had ever run before.